Financial or "white-collar" crime is threatening organizations as never before. Fueling the exponential growth is the clandestine nature of the activity. For if the crime isn't detected, damages can't be determined and prevention is an impossibility.

Spectrum's Fraud Investigation team members have deep expertise in all facets of financial crime and prevention. Our forensic analysis allows us to examine your systems and processes to identify vulnerability and protection needs. We work with you to educate your employees about how fraud occurs, how to prevent it and what to do if it is detected. If you do not have published fraud prevention strategies and policies, we can assist you in developing them and training your internal staff. Moreover, we ensure our Fraud Investigation and Prevention work complies with any Internal Controls or Sarbanes-Oxley policies currently in place.

If you are worried that your organization may be at risk, or would like the peace of mind that an assessment could provide, please contact us.

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