Retailing is affected by a number of factors: extensive globalization and consolidation, worldwide instability in the economy and evolution of new and innovative promotional models. Technology has significantly impacted retailers, with an estimated 25% of purchases now made by E-Commerce. Social and economic trends define the retail environment on local Main Street, requiring consistent refinement of operating philosophies and strategies. Price fluctuations, promotions, rebates and other special deals complicate the extremely high volume of transactions flowing through complex and disparate data systems. The gap between the buyer who agrees to the purchase terms and the final disbursement of funds further adds to the opportunity for overpayments and unrecognized promotions, rebates and allowances.

Spectrum consulting professionals have the know-how to capture and review your massive amounts of data, to ensure you are taking advantage of all the deals you’ve agreed to. In addition to your purchases made for re-sale, we also analyze 100% of your entire procure-to-pay transactions, identifying taxability issues and other miscellaneous payment exceptions. We don't only help you recover the profits you lost, but we identify and correct weaknesses to prevent the reoccurrence of errors in the future.

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